
15 06, 2015 Email Addresses for Apple Users

2025-01-09T11:18:07+00:00Categories: iPhone|

After the launch of its new operating system Mountain Lion, Apple seems to be in no mood to give even a slightest advantage to its competitors. In a latest “Update's Change Log” the company has announced that the transitions of its users from old email addresses to the new addresses has been started. People signing up for new Apple devices (or say Apple ID’s) would automatically get the new email addresses.

15 06, 2015

iOS 6 – Siri, Facebook, New Maps and More

2025-01-09T08:03:57+00:00Categories: iPhone|

The highly anticipated new operating system iOS 6 from Apple has finally hit the floor with many outstanding features. The new operating system iOS 6 is ready to give iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users a taste of new digital world. Apple has announced the pre-release version of the iOS 6 at its World Wide Developers Conference which means it is only available for developers right now. The full-fledged version for all the users would be announced in fall this year i.e. September-October, 2012.

Stress Management Seminar
15 06, 2015

Stress Management Seminar

2025-01-09T08:11:15+00:00Categories: News|

Rave Infotech has conducted various interactive sessions with experts for creating a positive work environment for the employees. This time, we organized a seminar on stress management in order to help our employees in finding out ways to manage stress in a better way. For this interactive session we called upon honorable Mr. Chaitanya Charan Prabhu (B. Tech from MANIT, Bhopal) Monk and full time Devotee at ISKCON, Ujjain.

15 06, 2015

Google+ iPhone App Gets Updated Version

2025-01-09T08:02:55+00:00Categories: iPhone|

Google has recently announced the updated version of Google+ iPhone app, a much-needed renovation that everyone was anticipating since the release of its first version. The company confirms the availability of the new version of the app on apple app store. After an unimpressive performance with its previous version, the company now seems to give users an incredible experience with its new version. The new Google+ app looks so promising; we may think that the Google+ social network wasn’t that bad thing.

15 06, 2015

WordPress 2.1 for Android

2025-01-09T10:26:23+00:00Categories: Open Source|

WordPress app version 2.1 is now available for Android. The update brings several great new features and performance improvements in the application of popular blogging platform. Sorting out the limitations that its previous versions had, the new release offers one tap access to creating posts, moderating comments, viewing stats, adding media content and more. The app is available to download for Android, Nook, and BlackBerry PlayBook devices.

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