
12 06, 2015

iPhone 4

2025-01-10T10:09:45+00:00Categories: iPhone|

Apple the makers of iPhone introduces its most awaited generation next device and world’s thinnest smart phone iPhone 4. The iPhone 4 is sleeker and more advanced than the first iPhone. Like the iPhone 3GS, it comes in black or white, though it has a more angular look. Its front and back are covered with [...]

16 05, 2015

Magento Security Patch – SUPEE 5994

2025-01-10T10:03:03+00:00Categories: Magento|

Patch SUPEE-5994 fixes a leak that allows anyone to look up the URL of your Magento backend. Through this leak hackers are able to crack your password using brute force attacks and exploit other possible leaks. SUPEE-5994 is a bundle of eight patches that resolve several security-related issues.

3 02, 2015

Rave Infosys at Small Business Expo 2015

2025-01-10T09:52:40+00:00Categories: News|

Rave Infosys was recently a part of Small Business Expo 2015 held in Miami, Florida. We set our booth representing Rave, with a goal to help businesses in their bottom line, by delivering quality technology services. At SBE 2105, our President Mr. Ravi Mittal has delivered his greatly appreciated presentation on "Digital Marketing Simplified". The aim for this workshop was to break down digital marketing into simpler components, so it becomes easier for a layman to understand.

18 08, 2014

Rave Digital at Entrepreneurs’ Organization Tradeshow

2025-01-10T13:01:05+00:00Categories: News|

Rave Infosys has recently attended the “EO Member/Sponsor Tradeshow” in Sunrise, Florida. This tradeshow was the second one in the EO South Florida history and brings in about 3000-4000 guests. It has proven to be a great platform for showcasing our business among other fellow EO (Entrepreneurs' Organization) members. Our President Mr. Ravi Mittal along with our sales associates Ryan Shaw and Grant Belgrave has represented Rave there.

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